Compute Sum of Precipitation Events

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#Compute Sum of Precipitation Events
import cwt, os

class TestWorkflow:

    plotter = cwt.initialize()
    host =""
    wps = cwt.WPS( host, log=True,log_file=os.path.expanduser("~/esgf_api.log"), verify=False )

    def spatial_sum( self ):

# Set the domain to be Hawaii to San Francisco, from December 15, 2014 to December 20, 2017

        domain_data = { 'id': 'd0', 'lat': {'start':-90, 'end':90,'crs':'values'},
                        'lon': {'start':0, 'end':360, 'crs':'values'},
                        'time':{'start':'2014-12-15T00:00:00', 'end':'2014-12-20T23:00:00', 'crs':'timestamps'}}

        d0 = cwt.Domain.from_dict(domain_data)

# Set the input data to be 6 hourly MERRA2 precipitation data (variable pr)

        inputs = cwt.Variable("collection://cip_merra2_6hr", "pr",domain=d0 )

# Set the operation to be "maximum" operating over the xy axes

        op_data = { 'name': "xarray.sum", 'axes': "xy" }
        op = cwt.Process.from_dict( op_data ) 
        op.set_inputs( inputs )

# Set the operation to be "sum" operating over the time axes

        op_data1 = { 'name': "xarray.sum", 'axes': "t" }
        op1 = cwt.Process.from_dict( op_data1 ) 
        op1.set_inputs( inputs )

        self.wps.execute( op, domains=[d0], async=True )
        dataPath = self.wps.download_result(op)

        self.wps.execute( op1, domains=[d0], async=True )
        dataPaths = self.wps.download_result(op1)

# Plot precipitation over the spatial range plot; precitation vs time can be plotted by uncommenting timeplot line

        for dataPath in dataPaths:
            # self.plotter.mpl_timeplot(dataPath)

executor = TestWorkflow()