The following table can be used as a reference for the basic flags available to the sbatch, salloc, and few other commands. To get a better understanding of the commands and their flags, please use the "man" command while logged into discover.

For more information on sbatch, please refer to the man pages. Use the following command, after you've logged onto Discover: man sbatch or sbatch -help

Option/Flag Function
-A or --account=account Specify computational Project under which the job will run and from which the cpu hours will be deducted
--begin=date_time Defer the job to run until the specified date_time
-C or --constraint=hasw(or sand) Request certain type of nodes
-d or --dependency=dependlist Specify job dependencies
-D or --workdir=directory Set the working directory of the batch script before it is executed
--export=environment variables | ALL | NONE Identify which environment variables are propagated to the batch job
-J or --job-name=name Set a job name
-N or --nodes=minnodes[-maxnodes] Request that a minimum of minnodes nodes be allocated
-n or --ntasks=number Request sufficient resources to launch a maximum of number tasks
--mem-per-node=#MB or --mem-per-cpu=#MB Specify minimum memory requirement per node or per CPU
--ntasks-per-node=ntasks Request the maximum ntasks be invoked on each node
-o or --output=filename pattern Specify stdout file
-e or --error=filename pattern Specify stderr file. By default when "-e" is not specified both the stdout and stderr writes into a single file
-p or --partition=partition_name Specify an initial partition for the job
-t or --time=time Set a walltime limit of the job allocation